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I am a specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you complete the college’s specialist international medical graduate (SIMG) process.

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I am a specialist anaesthetist registered in New Zealand

Find support and resources to meet your annual CPD requirements as a specialist anaesthetist registered in New Zealand.

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I am a Faculty of Pain Medicine dual fellow

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as a FPM dual fellow.

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I am a specialist anaesthetist registered in Australia

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as a specialist anesthetist with medical registration in Australia.

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I practice without direct patient care

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you practice without direct patient care.

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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions from CPD participants.

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Other college wellbeing initiatives

Find out what else we're doing to improve doctors' health and wellbeing.

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I work as a specialist anaesthetist or pain medicine physician in the private sector

Information and resources to help with your CPD if you work in private practice

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Providing patients with culturally safe care

Explore some of the measures we're taking to create a culturally safe environment for Indigenous Australian and Māori patients and doctors.

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Transitioning to retirement

Find out what you need to do once you've made the decision to retire from clinical practice; the benefits available to retired fellows; and the opportunities to retain your involvement in the college.

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