Benefits of fellowship
Your benefits of fellowship
Request for Interruption to SIMG CPA Period
As per the regulations changes, we require to change the name from hold to interruption form. This is used when the SIMG's are required some time off of the pathway process.
Professional Affairs Executive Committee terms of reference
Terms of reference for the Professional Affairs Executive Committee.
MBA consultation on recognition of rural generalism
College feedback on the Medical Board of Australia’s consultation on the recognition of rural generalism as a new field of specialty practice within the specialty of general practice, under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.
Paediatric patient-parent satisfaction survey (anaesthesia) - summary form
Paediatric patient-parent satisfaction survey (anaesthesia) - summary form
Promoting good practice and managing poor performance in anaesthesia and pain medicine
Developed by Dr Rowan Thomas, Dr Elizabeth Feeney, Dr Marion Andrew, Dr Gary Hopgood and Dr Jordan Wood. Published in 2017.
PG50(A)BP Guideline on return to anaesthesia practice for anaesthetists Background Paper
This document provides justification for the guidelines on advice for anaesthetists returning to practice after a significant absence, which guides them through a structured return-to-practice program to ensure safe and up-to-date patient care.
ANZCA Bulletin Winter 2023
In this edition: Flying the flag for rural practice; Meet the ANZCA Trainee Committee; Gastric emptying and semaglutides.