ANZCA Bulletin Winter 2023
In this edition: Flying the flag for rural practice; Meet the ANZCA Trainee Committee; Gastric emptying and semaglutides.
ANZCA-accredited training site visitor application form
Application for reduction of CPA period
Training Accreditation visitor application form
2024 NSW Anatomy Workshop program
2024 NSW Anaesthetic Continuing Education
Anatomy Workshop program.
FPM Practice Assessment Pathway Assessment checklist
Use this checklist for endorsement criteria to become endorsed in pain medicine procedures via the practice assessment pathway
PG13(PM)BP Guideline on return to practice for SPMPs - background paper 2023
Justification for the guideline to advise specialist pain medicine physicians whose absence from clinical pain medicine practice requires or will require a formal return to practice program.
PS08(A)BP Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist Background Paper
To promote the development of quality assistants to the anaesthetist, and to guide the training of assistants by identifying the necessary core competencies to assist with the development of training curricula
2022 ANZCA and FPM reaccreditation written submission
ANZCA and FPM are accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) to deliver our training programs, SIMG assessment process and continuing professional development program. We submit yearly reports against the AMC and MCNZ accredita...
PG58(A) Guideline on quality assurance and quality improvement in anaesthesia
The aim of this guideline is to assist practitioners in achieving the highest quality of care for their patients through an understanding of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Improvement (QI)