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2024 FPM Board candidate profile form

Candidates nominating themselves for the two elected vacancies on the 2024 FPM Board must complete and submit this form.

Annual training fee payment form (FPM)

Annual training fee payment form.

ANZCA Council and sub-committee structure

Organisational chart showing the structure of ANZCA committees and sub-committees.

ANZCA Position statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion

ANZCA Position statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion

Training Accreditation Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Training Accreditation Committee.

ANZCA Bulletin September 2018

Education Executive Management Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Education Executive Management Committee.

2018-03-26 GEWG ANZCA Bulletin March 18 single LR

ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum

ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum

Blue Book 2019

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