FPM trainee toolkit
We've developed a range of courses and resources to support your pain medicine training.
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Communication in Anaesthesia SIG
The Communication in Anaesthesia SIG plans to develop workshops and resources and provide guidance to help improve anaesthetists’ skills in all communication related aspects of their work.
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I am a Faculty of Pain Medicine dual fellow
Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as a FPM dual fellow.
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SIMG clinical practice assessment (CPA) period
The clinical practice assessment (CPA) period is the time of supervised clinical practice an SIMG must complete during their individual pathway.
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Get involved in the college community
Find out how we can help you connect and collaborate with colleagues; build your professional networks; learn leadership skills; and develop your career as a specialist.
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Other college wellbeing initiatives
Find out what else we're doing to improve doctors' health and wellbeing.
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Multi-source feedback (clinical support) - guideline
Multi-source feedback (clinical support) - guideline
I practice without direct patient care
Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you practice without direct patient care.
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Te Tiriti o Waitangi Roadmap
ANZCA has developed a Te Tiriti o Waitangi roadmap to ensure members understand the implications of Te Tiriti of Waitangi in all of our work
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I am a specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)
Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you complete the college’s specialist international medical graduate (SIMG) process.
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