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SRA teach a skill - guidelines


Private practice support document

Private practice support document

Mapping the CPD program to ANZCA & FPM roles in practice

Mapping the CPD program to ANZCA & FPM roles in practice

CPD Category 3 Emergency response criteria

Defines what constitutes 'emergency response' activities for inclusion in the ANZCA and FPM CPD program.

Careers in anaesthesia brochure

Practice without direct patient care toolkit

Practice without direct patient care toolkit

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - summary form

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - summary form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - self-assessment form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - self-assessment form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - summary form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - summary form

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