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PG50(A) Guideline on return to anaesthesia practice for anaesthetists

This guideline provides advice for anaesthetists returning to practice after a significant absence, guiding them through a structured return-to-practice program to ensure safe and up-to-date patient care.

Wellbeing education sessions - guideline

Wellbeing education sessions - guideline


EPM flyer

FPM Management Plan WBF Rubric

Management plan marking rubric

EPA 4 Review - Perioperative pain relief

Provide effective perioperative pain relief for patients.

FPM Board Member Attributes

FPM Board Member Attributes

CPD activity guide

Find an overview of CPD activities across the three CPD categories and links to relevant guidelines and forms in the CPD activity guide.

RTP Plan 2023

Return to practice (anesthesia) plan

ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine handbook

ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine handbook

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