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I am a specialist anaesthetist registered in New Zealand

Find support and resources to meet your annual CPD requirements as a specialist anaesthetist registered in New Zealand.

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I work in anaesthesia practice in the private sector

Information and resources to help with your CPD if you work in private practice

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I am a specialist anaesthetist registered in Australia

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as a specialist anesthetist with medical registration in Australia.

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Anaesthesia and children

Children of all ages, including newborn babies, may require anaesthesia. Your child’s age; illness or developmental concerns; and the nature of the procedure all make a difference to what skills and experience are required by medical staff and the type of hospital needed to en...

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ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine participant toolkit

Fees, dates, and resources related to the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine..

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Roles in practice

These describe the roles of a specialist anaesthetist and specialist pain medicine physician and how they apply to contemporary practice – includes scholar role and communicator role.

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EMAC course

Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) is a simulation-based course focused on managing anaesthetic emergencies. It consists of five modules, run over two and a half days, and is a compulsory requirement of the anaesthesia training program.

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Is a career in pain medicine right for me?

Pain medicine is a dynamic and rewarding career choice for specialists looking for a new challenge. Find out what it involves; where it can take you; and how to get started.

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Supervisors of training toolkit

We've collated a range of online resources to support our supervisors of training (SOTs) with the training, assessment, and pastoral care of trainees.

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Standing for election as an ANZCA councillor

Everything you need to know about standing for election as an ANZCA councillor

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