EPA 1 Review - Assess patients for surgery
Assess patients presenting for elective surgery and develop a management plan.
EPA 3 Review - Provide GA to ASA 1 and 2 patients
Provide general anaesthesia to stable
ASA 1 and 2 patients for low-risk surgery.
ANZCA Professionalism and Performance Guide 2024
A performance framework for anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians to help in improving their practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, and pain medicine.
Standards for Anaesthesia
Standards for Anaesthesia are benchmarks to foster quality in patient care as well as to facilitate quality improvement.
ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum
ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum
Anaphylaxis recongition of suitablity form
CPD ER Anaphylaxis recognition of suitability form 2023
CPD ER Anaphylaxis recognition of suitability form 2023