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FPM Board Member Attributes

FPM Board Member Attributes

Anaesthesia research co-ordinators

Research co-ordinators are vital to the success of research departments. They provide the knowledge and expertise to perform critical roles in research and clinical trials. Find out how you can get involved.

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Frequently asked questions about STP

We answered some common questions about the Specialist Training Program.

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ANZCA CICM Dual Training Pathway FAQs

Everything you need to know about the proposed ANZCA CICM dual training pathway, including the reasons for its development, duration, eligibility requirements and the timeframes.

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CTN endorsed studies and how to apply

The ANZCA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) endorses clinical trials in anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine. Find out which studies we've endorsed and how to apply.

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Find out what we're doing to advocate for - and improve - inclusion and diversity in all areas of anaesthesia and pain medicine practice.

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Anaesthetic incident reporting

We oversee a range of incident reporting activities in Australia and New Zealand, including mortality reporting and webAIRS, to ensure that we continue to be two of the safest countries in the world to undergo anaesthesia.

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ANZCA and FPM CPD Program guidelines and forms

Access all the forms, guidelines and other resources you need to complete your CPD here.

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Our clinical trials

More than 130 hospitals around worldwide are participating in our trials, bringing together leaders in anaesthesia research. Find out what we're working on and how your site can get involved, and explore the outcomes of our published trials.

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Chapter of Perioperative Medicine FAQs

Everything you need to know about the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine leading to a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine, including the reasons for its development; the likely course structure, duration, and eligibility requirements; and the timeframes.

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