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Reg 24 - Regional training committees

Reconciliation Action Plan

ANZCA's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is an important step in our reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations peoples.

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ANZCA New Zealand National Committee nomination form

Reg 12 - ANZCA medal

Regulation 12 is replaced by Regulation 43. Approved by Council Oct 2021.

FPM by-law 13 - Appeals procedure

Reg 25 – ANZCA Council citation winners

Regulation 25 is replaced by Regulation 43. Approved by Council Oct 2021.

Better Pain Management program

Better Pain Management is a professional, high quality online education program developed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine. 

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Standing for election as an ANZCA councillor

Everything you need to know about standing for election as an ANZCA councillor

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Annual workshop, events and webinars

Every year we run a strategic research workshop to collaborate on new research projects. We have an exciting program at the Annual Scientific Meeting as well as made recordings available of key educational sessions.

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Reg 11 – Robert Orton medal

Regulation 11 is replaced by Regulation 43. Approved by Council Oct 2021.

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