ANZCA Gender equity statement
Read our gender equity statement
Letter to Prof Paul Kelly re COVID-19 Vaccination Roadmap 2 Feb 2021
Submission re Andexanet
College feedback to the Council of Therapeutic Advisory Groups on a draft position statement for andexanet alfa
FPM by-law 12 - Expulsion from the faculty
Outlines the process for expulsion from the Faculty of Pain Medicine, detailing how fellows may be charged with conduct deemed contrary to faculty ethics or standards.
ANZCA ESN national strategy consultation submission
ANZCA Environmental Sustainability Network submission to the consultation on the national health and climate strategy.
EMAC Course Handbook
Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) Course handbook
Partnership and Sponsorship policy
This policy provides clarity and transparency around how the college engages with and manages opportunities relating to partnership and sponsorship.
2023 ANZCA Council elections nomination form
Use this form to make a nomination to stand in the 2023 ANZCA Council elections.
ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025
The ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025 guides our college-wide business activity. It's the result of comprehensive consultation and engagement within the ANZCA community and beyond.
Research Committee terms of reference
Terms of reference for the ANZCA Research Committee.