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Practice audit (clinical support) CPD verification form

Practice audit (clinical support) CPD verification form

Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - observation form

Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - observation form

Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - observation form

Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - observation form

Mentoring CPD verification form

Mentoring CPD verification form

Multi-source feedback confidentiality and CPD verification form

Multi-source feedback confidentiality and CPD verification form

Clinical audit guideline

Clinical audit guideline

CPD Evaluation 2023

CPD Evaluation 2023

Pharmac Lidocaine Submission

College response to Pharmac proposal to fund lidocaine hydrochloride 10% solution to manage pain for people receiving palliative care.

PS15(PM) Persistent pelvic pain and endometriosis 2024 PILOT

PS15(PM) Statement on the clinical approach to persistent pelvic pain including endometriosis- associated pain 2024 (PILOT)

ANZCA submission HDC FV sig

College feedback on the Health and Disability Commissioner review of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act and the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights.

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