Specialist Training Program
This Australian government initiative aims to extend vocational training for specialist registrars into settings outside traditional metropolitan teaching hospitals, including regional, rural and remote, and private facilities.
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Request an article
ANZCA fellows, trainees and staff can use this service to request material not available full-text, free-of-charge. This includes copies of articles, chapters from books or conference papers required for your research, patient care and learning.
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Diving and hyperbaric medicine training program
Our advanced certificate in diving and hyperbaric medicine (ANZCA Adv Cert DHM) provides a unique opportunity for specialist doctors to "take the plunge" into an exciting, emerging area of medicine.
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Library orientation guide
The ANZCA Library offers a wide variety of resources. Below are some recommendations for users based on your member type, status and location.
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Advocacy plan
The college’s advocacy plan for the 2025-2027 period has been published on the website.
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POM offers new opportunities for anaesthetists and other medical specialists
We have a new structure to guide perioperative medicine into the future.
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Anaesthesia workforce numbers
To address workforce shortages, particularly in rural areas, the Australian government has recommended the implementation of an expedited registration pathway for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs).
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Constitutional amendment - result
See the result of the recent vote to amend the ANZCA Constitution.
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Join the Tripartite Committee of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia
ANZCA, in conjunction with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), established a Tripartite Committee of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (TCRGA).
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Expedited specialist pathway update
The college today received an update from the Medical Board of Australia on the expedited specialist pathway.
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