ANZCA WA Regional Committee
The Western Australia Regional Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in Western Australia, and the ANZCA Council to which they report.
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Join the pain medicine training program
Our pioneering pain medicine training program is a two-year post-specialist qualification that leads to fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists with the post nominals FFPMANZCA.
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FPM Practice Development Stage Data Sheet 2023
PDS data sheet
PS11(PM) Procedures in Pain Medicine
The Procedures in Pain Medicine Clinical Care Standard provides guidance on what is considered to the appropriate and safe use of procedures and in the practice of pain medicine.
Supporting a sustainable workforce
Find out how we're working with national and state governments to ensure every patient has access to safe, high-quality, and culturally competent care.
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We offer two prestigious anaesthesia professorships. Explore the eligibility criteria, application process, entitlements, and past recipients.
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Recognising excellence
Our awards, prizes and medals recognise achievements in areas such as the advancement and promotion of specialist medicine; exam performance; clinical research; education; and pastoral care.
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ANZCA New Zealand Trainee Committee
The New Zealand Trainee Committee (NZTC) advises the NZNC and the ANZCA Council, via the ANZCA Trainee Committee, about training matters in New Zealand that may concern the College.
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Indigenous Health Committee
The Indigenous Health Committee (IHC) is responsible for the college's portfolios in Indigenous health in Australia and New Zealand.
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Professional practice research grants
We've created a dedicated grant for research in a range of aspects of professional practice, including simulation/education
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