Anaesthetists cancel ASM due to COVID
Anaesthetists support NZ prime minister
National Anaesthesia Day 2021 A1 posters
The theme for ANZCA National Anaesthesia Day 2021 is "anaesthesia and having a baby". These A1 posters are print-ready.
FPM library agreement
Library agreement for new FPM applicants to sign when joining the training program.
ANZCA response to revised MCNZ guidelines on disclosure of harm
College feedback on the Medical Council of New Zealand consultation on updated guidelines on the disclosure of harm following an adverse event.
Social media policy
ANZCA social media policy
Position statement on the role of ANZCA in advocating for the health and wellbeing of all people
Updated Sep 2024
Position statement: Health of people seeking asylum
A joint statement by ANZCA, FPM, ASA, and NZSA - updated 2024
SRA exemption TAS FGD
This application form should be used by the trainee wishing to apply for an exemption or recognition
of prior learning towards the teach a skill or facilitate a small group discussion scholar role activities.