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ANZCA Grant Agreement

ANZCA grant agreement terms and conditions

Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee.

Constitutional changes 2021

On 19 October 2021 all fellows will be invited to participate in an e-vote for a minor amendment to the ANZCA constitution that safeguards the college leadership by addressing an anomaly in the election of office-holders. The e vote will close on 15 November.

Reg 41 - Conduct of elections

This document outlines Regulation 41, which governs the conduct of elections for ANZCA Council and the Faculty of Pain Medicine Board. It includes eligibility criteria for candidates, requirements for declarations on practice-related issues, voting procedures, and provisions f...

ANZCA Foundation Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the ANZCA Foundation Committee.

ANZCA Gender equity position statement 2020

ANZCA Gender equity statement

Read our gender equity statement

Letter to Prof Paul Kelly re COVID-19 Vaccination Roadmap 2 Feb 2021

Submission re Andexanet

College feedback to the Council of Therapeutic Advisory Groups on a draft position statement for andexanet alfa

FPM by-law 12 - Expulsion from the faculty

Outlines the process for expulsion from the Faculty of Pain Medicine, detailing how fellows may be charged with conduct deemed contrary to faculty ethics or standards.

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