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SRA evaluation critical appraisal of a paper

This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the critical appraisal of a paper undertaken by the trainee.

SRA evaluation critical appraisal of a topic

This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the critical appraisal of a topic undertaken by the trainee.

SRA option B completion

This form should be used to certify completion of an option B scholar role activity.

TPS clinical placement review ICM form

PS26(A)BP Position statement on informed consent for anaesthesia or sedation Background Paper

This document provides justification on statement is to support compliance with regulatory and jurisdictional requirements, to assist practitioners in understanding the process of informed consent, and to promote best practice in obtaining consent.

PG58(A) Guideline on quality assurance and quality improvement in anaesthesia

The aim of this guideline is to assist practitioners in achieving the highest quality of care for their patients through an understanding of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Improvement (QI)

ANZCA Handbook for Training Appendix 2 (clinical practice review questions)

PG67(G)BP Guideline on end-of-life care for patients scheduled for surgery or interventional proc

This document provides background to the guideline of assisting doctors involved in caring for patients at the end-of-life for whom surgery or an interventional procedure is being considered.

ANZCA Professionalism and Performance Guide 2024

A performance framework for anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians to help in improving their practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, and pain medicine.


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