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What is anaesthesia?

​There are several types of anaesthesia that may be used individually or in combination, depending on the operation.

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ANZCA National Anaesthesia Day

Each year we celebrate ANZCA National Anaesthesia Day across Australia and New Zealand on 16 October, the anniversary of the day in 1846 that ether anaesthetic was first demonstrated in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Day Care Anaesthesia SIG

The Day Care Anaesthesia SIG aims to promote science and education through the exchange of ideas between anaesthetists with a particular interest and involvement in day care anaesthesia and the interaction with other individuals / groups, who share an interest in day care anae...

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Anaesthesia for eye surgery

Eye surgery can be performed under eye block, topical anaesthesia or general anaesthesia.

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Types of anaesthesia

There are several types of anaesthesia that may be used individually or in combination, depending on the surgery.

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Anaesthesia Research Coordinators Network Sub-committee

The Anaesthesia Research Coordinators Network (ARCN) Sub-committee reports to the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Executive on ARCN activities that aim to deliver high quality trial evidence that translates into safe and effective practice in anaesthesia, peri-operative an...

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What does an anaesthetist do?

Anaesthetists are specialist doctors with unique clinical knowledge and skills. They have a major role in the perioperative care of surgical patients.

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Anaesthesia for joint surgery

Joint replacement surgery is a common and effective procedure for relieving disability due to severe joint pain and loss of function.

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AU recall: AMSORB PLUS Prefilled G-Can 1.0L anaesthesia absorber cartridge, possible gas leak

A small number of these GE Healthcare anaesthesia absorber cartridges from lot 110122F312 may leak gas between purple lid and canister body. Always run anaesthesia machine pre-use test to detect any leak.

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Regional Anaesthesia SIG

The major objective of the Regional Anaesthesia SIG is the promotion of science and education through the exchange of ideas between anaesthetists and other individuals/groups that share an interest in regional anaesthesia.

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