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ANZCA Bulletin Summer 2022

In this edition of the quarterly ANZCA Bulletin: $A2 million for 2023 ANZCA research; Helpful hints for transitioning to retirement; What you need to know about PG09 and procedural sedation; and much more...

ANZCA Bulletin Spring 2022

Beyond City Limits visits Australia's Top End | A fellow's revealing account of how he dealt with addiction | CPD in 2023 - What you need to know | ANZCA and CICM Dual Training Pathway and much more...

ANZCA response to revised MCNZ medical certification guidelines

College feedback on the Medical Council of New Zealand consultation on revised guidelines on the issuing of medical certificates.


ANZCA submission to Commonwealth Government COVID-19 response inquiry

College response to Australian government inquiry into the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ANZCA Handbook for Training

ANZCA Handbook for Training

ANZCA Bulletin Winter 2022

In the 2022 winter edition of the ANZCA Bulletin read: How an anaesthesia trainee project became a frontline crisis management resource; Voluntary assisted dying - a personal story; and Beyond city limits - Southland, New Zealand.


Reg 7 – Annual subscription

Fiona Stanley 20201506

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