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CEO – AHPRA submission on Telehealth

College feedback on draft revised guidelines for telehealth consultation with patients, noting college support, particularly from a perioperative medicine perspective.

ANZCA response to revised MCNZ medical certification guidelines

College feedback on the Medical Council of New Zealand consultation on revised guidelines on the issuing of medical certificates.

MBS- submission on telehealth 2023

MBS- submission on telehealth 2023

Airway leads network form

Airway leads network form

Airways lead nomination form

FPM Practice Assessment Pathway Assessment checklist

Use this checklist for endorsement criteria to become endorsed in pain medicine procedures via the practice assessment pathway

PG67(G)BP Guideline on end-of-life care for patients scheduled for surgery or interventional proc

This document provides background to the guideline of assisting doctors involved in caring for patients at the end-of-life for whom surgery or an interventional procedure is being considered.

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