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Pharmac Opioid Submission FV

College feedback on the Pharmac consultation to safe access to opioids in New Zealand.

SIMG Indicative Fees

Indicative fees for 2023 for specialist international medical graduates

Indigenous NZ ASM sponsorship guidelines

DHM Training agreement

2018-03-26 GEWG ANZCA Bulletin March 18 single LR

PG66(A) Guideline on the role of the anaesthetist in commissioning medical gas pipelines

PG66(A) Guideline on the role of the anaesthetist in commissioning medical gas pipelines

NSW inquiry into the provision of health services in SW Sydney growth region April 2020

RGA trainee support a practical guide

RGA trainee support a practical guide

Glycaemia sub-study of PADDI RCT

Glycaemia sub-study of Perioperative ADministration of Dexamethasone and Infection randomised controlled trial.


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