Recognising excellence
Our awards, prizes and medals recognise achievements in areas such as the advancement and promotion of specialist medicine; exam performance; clinical research; education; and pastoral care.
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Final Examination Sub-committee
The Final Examination Sub-committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) and is responsible for overseeing, co-ordinating and conducting the final examinations.
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Primary Examination Sub-committee
The Primary Examination Sub-committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) and is responsible for overseeing, coordinating and conducting the primary examinations.
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ANZCA Queensland Trainee Committee
The Queensland Trainee Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the Queensland region and the ANZCA Council to which they report.
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Workplace-based assessments
Workplace-based assessments (WBAs) have been an integral part of our ANZCA Training Program since 2013.
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Other college wellbeing initiatives
Find out what else we're doing to improve doctors' health and wellbeing.
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Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises Course Sub-committee
The Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) Course Sub-committee reports to the EEMC on matters pertaining to the EMAC course.
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How can I meet CPD requirements for my type of practice?
We’ve put together case studies, guidance and support resources specific to your type of practice to help you meet requirements.
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Asia-Pacific resources
The Global Development Committee develop and promote resources to support our Asia-Pacific colleagues' continued professional development.
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Steuart Henderson Award
Awarded to practitioners who have demonstrated a significant contribution to medical education (in anaesthesia or pain medicine), including, but not limited to, ANZCA and FPM Fellows and academic experts.
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