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Redcliffe 1 20200619


RTP Plan 2023

Return to practice (anesthesia) plan

FPM submission to post-listing review of spinal neuromodulation devices (SNMDs) 202303

Faculty of Pain Medicine response to the post-listing review of spinal neuromodulation devices (SNMDs).

Dr Mary Burnell history

Dr Mary Burnell history article

CSR report for the 2023 ANZCA ASM at Sydney ICC

Read the corporate social responsibility report for the 2023 ANZCA ASM held at the Sydney International Conference Centre.


FPM written submission for Victorian Government Inquiry into Women's Pain

PG03(A)BP Guideline for the management of major regional analgesia BP

The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate the management of major regional blocks including epidural, subarachnoid, plexus and nerve blocks, and to reduce the likelihood of adverse outcomes and complications which may be associated with such blocks. The guidelines also ...

PG06(A) Guideline on the anaesthesia record

Encourage best practice in the management and care of patients and define the standards. Guide the development and review of anaesthesia records to ensure they capture critical and relevant information. Provide guidance to all practitioners administering general anaesthesi...

PG46(POM) Guideline on training and practice of perioperative cardiac ultrasound in adults

This document provides ANZCA’s recommendation for best practice for training and conductance of cardiac ultrasound in adults.

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