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PG46(POM)BP Guideline on training and practice of perioperative cardiac ultrasound in adults BP

This professional document provides justification for ANZCA’s recommendation for best practice for training and conductance of cardiac ultrasound in adults.

PS04(A)BP Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit Background Paper

Background paper explaining rationale for informing clinicians on ANZCA expectations for a PACU and ensure healthcare facilities are designed, equipped, and staffed to deliver safe patient care

PG50(A) Guideline on return to anaesthesia practice for anaesthetists

This guideline provides advice for anaesthetists returning to practice after a significant absence, guiding them through a structured return-to-practice program to ensure safe and up-to-date patient care.

PG50(A)BP Guideline on return to anaesthesia practice for anaesthetists Background Paper

This document provides justification for the guidelines on advice for anaesthetists returning to practice after a significant absence, which guides them through a structured return-to-practice program to ensure safe and up-to-date patient care.

PG58(A) Guideline on quality assurance and quality improvement in anaesthesia

The aim of this guideline is to assist practitioners in achieving the highest quality of care for their patients through an understanding of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Improvement (QI)

PG61(A)BP Guideline for management of evolving airway obstruction: transition to CICO airway BP

This document provides background to the ANZCA guideline on management of evolving airway obstruction- transition to the ‘Can’t Intubate Can’t Oxygenate’ airway emergency

PS04(A) Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit

Inform clinicians on ANZCA expectations for a PACU and ensure healthcare facilities are designed, equipped, and staffed to deliver safe patient care

CP01 Listing of standard abbreviations and definitions for professional documents 2024

Explanation and summary of abbreviations and definitions used in ANZCA professional documents

FPM Procedures Endorsement Program Handbook

This handbook outlines the pathways and processes for endorsement in pain medicine procedures through the Procedures Endorsement Program.

ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine curriculum

ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine curriculum

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