Robert Orton Medal
The highest award the college can bestow on its fellows recognises distinguished service to anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and/or pain medicine.
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ANZCA Council Citation
Awarded to fellows in recognition of significant contributions to activities of the college.
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Rural generalist anaesthesia training sites
Training time towards Rural Generalist Anaesthesia training must be completed at an accredited site.
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Cecil Gray Prize
The Cecil Gray Prize is awarded to the ANZCA trainee who achieves the highest marks in the ANZCA final exam.
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Gilbert Brown Prize
Awarded to the fellow judged to make the best contribution to the free research paper session named the Gilbert Brown Prize Session at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).
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Faculty of Pain Medicine Prize
The undergraduate prize in pain medicine is awarded to the best medical student in pain medicine in either of the final two years of undergraduate medical training.
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Anaesthesia training sites and rotations
Information on ANZCA-accredited anaesthesia training sites, rotations, supervisors, education officers; how to become a training site accreditation visitor; and how to apply for ANZCA training site accreditation.
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Renton Prize
Awarded to the candidate who has reached the highest marks in the ANZCA primary examination.
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About the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network
Our clinical trials seek definitive answers to inform best practice and improve patient care and safety. Explore who we are; our strategic priorities; our history and funding achievements; major findings from our published trials; and important research questions underway.
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Reg 2 - Committees of ANZCA Council
This document details the structure, membership, responsibilities, and governance of the committees within the ANZCA Council, including specific reporting and oversight relationships. It outlines procedures for appointments, terms, roles, decision-making processes, and account...