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ANZCA Research Policy

ANZCA Bulletin Summer 2023

In this edition: $A1.7 million funding for 2024 research grants; new guidelines for preoperative fasting; an in-depth look at our new Chapter of Perioperative Medicine; profiles on our new and departing DPAs; Dr Pete Roessler's final 'What would you do?'; and much more.

Standards for Anaesthesia Background Paper

Standards for Anaesthesia Background Paper

FPM by-law 4 - FPM Training Program

FPM training program including eligibility criteria, application requirements, and program structure. It covers entry pathways, core and practice development stages, workplace-based feedback, in-training assessments, and completion criteria, training, fees, and support for tra...

PS41(G) Position statement on acute pain management

To advance the standards of care related to management of acute pain, and to develop a framework for provision of high-quality management of acute pain.

ANZCA Handbook for Training

ANZCA Handbook for Training

RD 20 Substance Abuse 2016

Practice without direct patient care toolkit

Practice without direct patient care toolkit

2023 ANZCA and FPM CPD Standard

The CPD standard outlines the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program requirements.

Reg 36 - ANZCA advanced certificate in diving and hyperbaric medicine

Regulation 36 applies to all trainees undertaking the ANZCA Advanced Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine from 31 July 2017.

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