PS42(A) Position statement on staffing of accredited departments of anaesthesia
This document is intended to apply to anaesthesia departments accredited to provide such training, and its purpose is to ensure that departments are staffed adequately to provide a safe high quality clinical service, to supervise trainees and to effectively manage the service.
Reg 42 - Assessment of short-term training applications for anaesthesia and pain medicine for intern
This regulation defines the assessment process for short-term training (STT) applications in anaesthesia and pain medicine for international medical graduates (IMGs) in Australia. It includes eligibility criteria, application requirements, assessment guidelines, and conditions...
2026 Project Grant application form
Use this form to apply for a 2026 ANZCA Project Grant
ANZCA Bulletin September 2019
ANZCA Bulletin Summer 2022
In this edition of the quarterly ANZCA Bulletin: $A2 million for 2023 ANZCA research; Helpful hints for transitioning to retirement; What you need to know about PG09 and procedural sedation; and much more...
ANZCA Bulletin Spring 2024
In this edition: Beyond City Limits goes to Rockhampton and Mackay; Look-alike ampoules still a cause for concern; Palm Island pain clinic is welcomed by locals.
ANZCA Bulletin Winter 2022
In the 2022 winter edition of the ANZCA Bulletin read: How an anaesthesia trainee project became a frontline crisis management resource; Voluntary assisted dying - a personal story; and Beyond city limits - Southland, New Zealand.