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ANZCA Educators Sub-committee

The Educators Sub-committee reports to EDEC on functions to ensure educator courses support the ongoing development of fellows and trainees to provide effective education delivery.

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ACE Committee

Anaesthesia Continuing Education (ACE) is a tripartite committee comprising ANZCA, the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA), and the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists (NZSA).

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Scholar Role Sub-committee

The Scholar Role Sub-committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) and hence the ANZCA council aspects of the Scholar Role in the ANZCA Training Program

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Trainee Performance Review Sub-committee

The Trainee Performance Review (TPR) Sub-committee reports to ANZCA Council via the Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) on matters relating to the delivery of the TPR process

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Trainee Bursary Evaluation Sub-committee

The TBESC reports on successful applicants for the trainee bursary.

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Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Sub-committee

The DHM Sub-committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee on matters pertaining to the ANZCA Advanced Certificate of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

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Specialist International Medical Graduates Committee

The SIMG Committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) on assessment of specialist international medical graduates (SIMG) for practice in Australia and New Zealand.

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Recognition pathways

There is a recognition pathway open to eligible practitioners across various specialties to apply for legacy transition to be a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine - GChPOM

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ANZCA WA Trainee Committee

The Western Australian Trainee Committee is an elected body that act as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the Western Australian region and the ANZCA Council to which they report.

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ANZCA Educator Competency Framework

The ANZCA Educator Competency Framework describes the competencies required of educators for specialty training.

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