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Pain medicine exams

Find dates and locations of long-case assessments and FPM fellowship exams, as well as information on the format, marking criteria, and application fees and forms.

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Primary exam preparation courses (formerly Part 1)

We offer a range of activities around Australia and New Zealand specially designed to help trainees prepare for the written and oral components of the ANZCA primary exams. Find out what's available in your area.

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ANZCA CICM Dual Training Pathway FAQs

Everything you need to know about the proposed ANZCA CICM dual training pathway, including the reasons for its development, duration, eligibility requirements and the timeframes.

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Final exam preparation courses (formerly Part 2)

We strongly encourage all trainees preparing for the ANZCA final exam to take advantage of the refresher courses and mock vivas we run in major centres around Australia and New Zealand.

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Rural generalist anaesthesia exams

Rural Generalist Anaethesia trainees must successfully complete the multiple choice question examination (MCQs) and the RGA Standardised Structured Scenario-based Assessment (RGA-SSSA) during training.

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Anaesthesia trainee toolkit

Access all the resources, documents, and forms you need to meet your training requirements at the click of a button.

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Mapping the CPD program to ANZCA & FPM roles in practice

Mapping the CPD program to ANZCA & FPM roles in practice

Supervisors of training toolkit

We've collated a range of online resources to support our supervisors of training (SOTs) with the training, assessment, and pastoral care of trainees.

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Roles in practice

These describe the roles of a specialist anaesthetist and specialist pain medicine physician and how they apply to contemporary practice – includes scholar role and communicator role.

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Considering a career in anaesthesia?

Anaesthesia is one of the most rewarding and fascinating fields of medicine you can specialise in as a medical graduate.

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