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During your child’s anaesthesia

'During your child’s anaesthesia' is the third in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.

Anaesthesia for eye surgery

Types of anaesthesia

National Anaesthesia Day 2021 A1 posters

The theme for ANZCA National Anaesthesia Day 2021 is "anaesthesia and having a baby". These A1 posters are print-ready.

What is anaesthesia?

Information for patients about what anaesthesia is and what they can expect during their operation.

After your child’s anaesthesia

'After your child’s anaesthesia' is the last in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.

Anaesthesia and having a baby - general information

Being pregnant and giving birth put a lot of pressure on our bodies. It's common to experience a degree of discomfort or pain during labour and there's a chance that you'll require surgery while you're pregnant. You might not need the care of an anaesthetist when you're carryi...

Preparing for your child’s anaesthesia

'Preparing for your child’s anaesthesia' is the second in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.


Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - observation form

Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - observation form

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