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PFT site application reapproval

Reg 21 - Douglas Joseph professorship

CPA report (anaesthesia)

Clinical practice assessment report for specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)

Calvary Healthcare 20072020

ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025

The ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025 guides our college-wide business activity. It's the result of comprehensive consultation and engagement within the ANZCA community and beyond.

ANZCA Council and sub-committee structure

Organisational chart showing the structure of ANZCA committees and sub-committees.


A joint statement by ANZCA, FPM, ASA, and NZSA - updated 2024

ANZCA submission RCoIC

New Zealand National Committee feedback on experiences during and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

ANZCA Handbook for Accreditation

ANZCA Handbook for Accreditation


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