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Annual structured conversation guide

Annual structured conversation guide

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - form

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - form

CPD Category 3 Emergency response criteria

Category 3 Emergency response criteria

FPM mentor database

Our FPM mentoring program aims to support pain medicine trainees and fellows during their training and/or early post-fellowship years.


Australasian Anaesthesia 2023

ANZCA publishes Australasian Anaesthesia (AKA the Blue Book) every two years. It covers a diverse range of topics of interest to anaesthetists and specialist pain medicine physicians.

PS08(A)BP Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist Background Paper

PS08(A)BP Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist Background Paper

PS08(A) Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist

PS08(A) Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist

ANZCA CTN guidelines for endorsement

CTN guidelines for endorsement

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