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We offer two prestigious anaesthesia professorships. Explore the eligibility criteria, application process, entitlements, and past recipients.

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Frequently asked questions

Important information for all candidates participating in ANZCA exams, including our conditions of application and entry.

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Anaesthesia research co-ordinators

Research co-ordinators are vital to the success of research departments. They provide the knowledge and expertise to perform critical roles in research and clinical trials. Find out how you can get involved.

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Apply to join a SIG

Joining a SIG is the perfect way to meet like-minded people; exchange ideas; and shape the future of your sub-speciality or area of interest.

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Apply to join a SIG

Joining a SIG is the perfect way to meet like-minded people; exchange ideas; and shape the future of your sub-speciality or area of interest.

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Apply to join a SIG

Joining a SIG is the perfect way to meet like-minded people; exchange ideas; and shape the future of your sub-speciality or area of interest.

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Apply to join a SIG

Joining a SIG is the perfect way to meet like-minded people; exchange ideas; and shape the future of your sub-speciality or area of interest.

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Faulty co-axial (Bain) circuits and hypercapnia risk – cautionary note

Defects in co-axial (Bain) circuits have been known to occur and to cause patients to develop severe hypercapnia.

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Misconnections of breathing circuits

There have been several instances of misconnections involving co-axial breathing circuits where after performance of the “two bag test.”

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