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Anaesthetics Provisional Fellow

Anaesthetics provisional fellow - Grampians Health


PG63(A)BP Guideline for safe care for patients sedated in health care facilities for ABD BP

This document provides background to the ANZCA guideline for safe care for patients sedated in health care facilities for acute behavioural disturbance.

DPA assessor request form

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to make a request to the Director of Professional Affairs (assessor).

RGA Trainee Re-entry to practice

Trainee re-entry to practice plan must be completed by RGA trainees who have been absent from RGA training or practicing medicine outside of anaesthesia for more than 13 calendar weeks.

TK2 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Survey questions

You can adapt the following survey questions as relevant to your practice/department.

ANZCA Bulletin Spring 2021

The spring 2021 edition of the ANZCA Bulletin includes the latest tips for your hospital's neural connector changeover; FANZCA Colonel Su Winter's military deployment accounts; and the pros and cons of having a public social media profile.

Blue Book 2019

Blue Book 2017

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