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Hospital difficult airway alert (unbranded)

Unbranded version of the hospital difficult airway alert PDF

Difficult airway alert standard

This is the QLD government branded Difficult Airway Alert document

SRA - audit guidelines

This document provides general guidelines for the audit evaluation process.

SRA critical appraisal of a paper - guidelines

Reg 29 - Readmission to membership of the college (and fellowship)

This regulation details the process for readmission to ANZCA membership (fellowship) for individuals whose membership was terminated, lapsed, or ceased. Applicants must provide statements on conduct, meet financial obligations, and follow re-entry guidelines if returning to pr...




Request for Interruption to SIMG CPA Period

As per the regulations changes, we require to change the name from hold to interruption form. This is used when the SIMG's are required some time off of the pathway process.


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