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Dr Mary Burnell history

Dr Mary Burnell history article

What do specialist pain medicine physicians do?

As pain medicine is a multi-disciplinary specialty, specialist pain medicine physicians come from a variety of backgrounds.

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Pain medicine image library

Our pain medicine photo library shows various aspects of pain medicine practice including consultations and treatment.

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Join the pain medicine training program

Our pioneering pain medicine training program is a two-year post-specialist qualification that leads to fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists with the post nominals FFPMANZCA.

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Procedures in Pain Medicine Committee

The Procedures in Pain Medicine Committee (PPMC) reports to FPM Professional Affairs Executive Committee (PAEC) on matters pertaining to the FPM endorsement in procedures in pain medicine

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Clinical skills courses

Our clinical skills courses and trainee tutorial program are designed to support pain medicine trainees.

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Faculty of Pain Medicine Board

The FPM Board oversees the activities of the faculty in accordance with the FPM by-laws and the ANZCA strategic plan.

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FPM by-laws

The by-laws govern the conduct and management of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. 

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History of Anaesthesia SIG

As its name suggests, the History of Anaesthesia SIG is primarily concerned with researching and presenting the history of anaesthesia.

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College archives

Our archives document the history and administration of the college, and its predecessor, as well as records of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. The archives are a rich source of primary material about the history of the organisation, and many individuals within it.

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