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Acute Pain Management Scientific Evidence 2015

Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence 5th edition

At almost 1300 pages, the 2020 edition of this internationally-renowned publication is the most comprehensive to date.



Blue Book 2013

SRA evaluation critical appraisal of a topic

This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the critical appraisal of a topic undertaken by the trainee.

2023 Anaesthesia Training Dashboard Data Report

2023 Anaesthesia Training Dashboard Data Report

CPD Category 3 Emergency response criteria

Defines what constitutes 'emergency response' activities for inclusion in the ANZCA and FPM CPD program.

CPD Category 2 Knowledge and skills criteria

Defines what constitutes 'knowledge and skills' activities for inclusion in the ANZCA and FPM CPD program.


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