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ANZCA Annual Report 2023

Read the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) annual report for 2023.

Professional Affairs Executive Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Professional Affairs Executive Committee.

FPM Board Member Attributes

FPM Board Member Attributes

SRA teach a skill - guidelines

PS54(A)BP Position statement on minimum safety requirements for anaes. machines and workstations BP

This document outlines minimum safety requirements for anaesthesia machines in Australia and New Zealand, referencing relevant Australian/New Zealand standards. It aims to ensure the safe delivery of anaesthetic gases and vapours to patients.

PS62 Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety 2024

To articulate ANZCA’s ongoing commitment to the role and importance of cultural competence and cultural safety, to promote cultural safety, to serve as a resource to assist doctors to behave in a culturally safe manner.

SRA facilitating a group discussion tutorial - guidelines

Critical reflection guideline

Critical reflection guideline

TK4 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Participant information sheet (2 formats)

This participant information sheet is designed to assist with the ethics application and to be used as a guide. Please chose the most appropriate format depending on local ethics requirements.

TK2 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Survey questions

You can adapt the following survey questions as relevant to your practice/department.

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