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PG52 Guideline for transport of critically ill patients 2024 (PILOT)

The aim of this document is to assist clinicians, health services and organisations develop and implement strategies and protocols for the transport of critically ill patients in order to minimise risks and maximise safety for patients and accompanying staff during transport.

Australasian Anaesthesia 2023

ANZCA publishes Australasian Anaesthesia (AKA the Blue Book) every two years. It covers a diverse range of topics of interest to anaesthetists and specialist pain medicine physicians.

CPD activity guide

Find an overview of CPD activities across the three CPD categories and links to relevant guidelines and forms in the CPD activity guide.

ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum

ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum

GKM future focus

Museum future focus document

Handbook for specialist international medical graduates

This handbook has been written as a guide to support internationally trained anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians, and their supervisors, who are completing the specialist international medical graduate (SIMG) or area of need (AoN) pathways in Australia and New Zealand.

Blue Book 2009

Blue Book 2019

Special consideration policy

ANZCA and FPM Special Consideration Policy

PG13(PM) Guideline on return to pain medicine practice for SPMPs 2023

Guideline to advise specialist pain medicine physicians whose absence from clinical pain medicine practice requires or will require a formal return to practice program.

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