ANZCA Council New Fellow Councillor nomination form 2022
Use this form to nominate yourself for the position of New Fellow Councillor in the 2022 ANZCA Council elections.
ANZCA Gender equity statement
Read our gender equity statement
RTP Plan 2023
Return to practice (anesthesia) plan
FPM submission to post-listing review of spinal neuromodulation devices (SNMDs) 202303
Faculty of Pain Medicine response to the post-listing review of spinal neuromodulation devices (SNMDs).
Neuraxial device advice for practitioners
Advice for anaesthetists and pain medicine practitioners on the introduction of neural/neuraxial devices with connectors compliant with the new international standard ISO 80369-6.
Pharmac Opioid Submission FV
College feedback on the Pharmac consultation to safe access to opioids in New Zealand.
Perioperative care approach fact sheet (te Reo)
Te whakariteritenga o te atawhai i mua, i te wa, i muri hoki i te poka.
Annual structured conversation guide
Annual structured conversation guide
Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - form
Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - form
Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - form
Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - form