Reg 35 - ANZCA certificates and diplomas
This regulation guides the development, implementation and planning for sustainability of new qualification programs that recognise the attainment of special knowledge, skills and experience in areas of medicine related to the practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine an...
ANZCA Bulletin Winter 2023
In this edition: Flying the flag for rural practice; Meet the ANZCA Trainee Committee; Gastric emptying and semaglutides.
ANZCA Menopause inquiry submission
College feedback on the Australian government Senate standing committee inquiry into issues relating to menopause and perimenopause
PS08(A) Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist
To promote the development of quality assistants to the anaesthetist, and to guide the training of assistants by identifying the necessary core competencies to assist with the development of training curricula
PG09(G) Guideline on procedural sedation
To optimise patient care in the management of procedural sedation. To identify the competencies that sedationists should possess.
National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education (companion document)
The National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education project was funded through an Australian Government grant and developed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine.
FPM written submission for Victorian Government Inquiry into Women's Pain
Blue Book 2021
ANZCA publishes Australasian Anaesthesia (AKA the Blue Book) every two years. It covers a diverse range of topics of interest to anaesthetists and specialist pain medicine physicians.
PG61(A)BP Guideline for management of evolving airway obstruction: transition to CICO airway BP
This document provides background to the ANZCA guideline on management of evolving airway obstruction- transition to the ‘Can’t Intubate Can’t Oxygenate’ airway emergency
Annual structured conversation template
Annual structured conversation template