Summary of concessions 2020
FPM assessment checklist for procedural supervisors
ANZCA Council New Fellow Councillor nomination form 2022
Use this form to nominate yourself for the position of New Fellow Councillor in the 2022 ANZCA Council elections.
Submission to TGA medicine labelling rules consultation
College submission to Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) consultation on medicine labeling rules.
FPM ePortfolio supervisor user guide 20230303
FPM ePortfolio supervisor user guide.
Acceptable use of ICT resources policy
This policy sets out the appropriate standards of behaviour for anyone using ANZCA’s information and communications technology (ICT) resources.
2024 FPM Spring Meeting program
Download the program for the FPM Spring Meeting in Auckland, from 18-20 October 2024.
SRA critical appraisal of a paper - guidelines
EPA 5 Review - Anaesthetise adult patients in rural context
Anaesthetise or sedate ASA 1-2, or
stable ASA 3 adult patients in the elective setting and
manage unstable patients in emergency situations if required, in the rural or remote context.