National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education
The faculty is proud to announce the launch of the National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education
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Anaesthetic medicine supply chains and PPE in Australia
Apply to join a SIG
Joining a SIG is the perfect way to meet like-minded people; exchange ideas; and shape the future of your sub-speciality or area of interest.
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ANZCA Educator Competency Framework
The ANZCA Educator Competency Framework describes the competencies required of educators for specialty training.
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Acute pain management forms
Acute pain services require a significant number of core forms that need regular updating. To help reduce the time acute pain services requires for this service, SIG members have provided these specimen forms for you to copy, trial, and adapt to local requirements.
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Management of potential supply disruption to epidural kits (update)
Recommendation to manage potential supply disruption of a brand of commonly used epidural kits by conserving kits for epidurals only (not nerve blocks) per NSW Health advice.
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Ventolin metered dose inhalers (AU)
Important information on changes to the design of Salbutamol (Ventolin) metered dose inhalers (MDIs/‘puffers’) in Australia.
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Position statement: Health of people seeking asylum
A joint statement by ANZCA, FPM, ASA, and NZSA - updated 2024
PG49(G) Guideline on the health of specialists, SIMGs and trainees
To assist specialists, SIMGs, and trainees with issues related to their health and wellbeing. It is also intended to assist healthcare facilities to develop systems that provide the necessary support
FPM by-laws
The by-laws govern the conduct and management of the Faculty of Pain Medicine.
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