2022 MBS review waiting room poster A3
You can print this poster to A3 size and display it around your practice or clinical space.
AFRM RACP consultation 2023
College feedback on the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine’s advanced training curriculum renewal.
Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - guideline
Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - guideline
Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline
Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline
Peer review of practice (pain medicine) - guideline
Peer review of practice (pain medicine) - guideline
Pharmac Lidocaine Submission
College response to Pharmac proposal to fund lidocaine hydrochloride 10% solution to manage pain for people receiving palliative care.
Reg 40 - Faculties of the College
Regulation 40 outlines the establishment, responsibilities, and governance structure of ANZCA faculties, such as the Faculty of Pain Medicine. It details the relationship between ANZCA and its faculties, including Council oversight, delegation of educational and professional s...
DHM clinical skills assessment form
Clinical skills assessment form