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Provisional Fellowship Program Subcommittee

The Provisional Fellowship Program Subcommittee reports to the Training Accreditation Committee (TAC) and assesses and approve or decline applications for Provisional Fellowship programs.​

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Corticosteriods in short supply

The TGA has advised of shortage of corticosteriods

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ANZCA Victoria Trainee Committee

The Victoria Trainee Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in Victoria, and the ANZCA Council to which they report.

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ANZCA Queensland Trainee Committee

The Queensland Trainee Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the Queensland region and the ANZCA Council to which they report.

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PS62 Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety 2024

To articulate ANZCA’s ongoing commitment to the role and importance of cultural competence and cultural safety, to promote cultural safety, to serve as a resource to assist doctors to behave in a culturally safe manner.

Reg 27 - Performance assessment of anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians

This regulation outlines ANZCA's process for nominating specialist anaesthetists or pain medicine physicians to assist external bodies with performance assessments when requested. It details the selection and duties of assessors, specifies the methods for conducting performanc...


EPM flyer

ANZCA ACT Trainee Committee

The Australian Capital Territory Trainee Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the Australian Capital Territory region and the ANZCA Council to which they report.

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ANZCA SA/NT Trainee Committee

The South Australian and Northern Territory Trainee Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the South Australian and Northern Territory regions and the ANZCA Council to which it reports.

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