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ANZCA ESN national strategy consultation submission

ANZCA Environmental Sustainability Network submission to the consultation on the national health and climate strategy.

ANZCA COVID-19 PPE Statement

Archived- ANZCA COVID-19 PPE Statement

PS55(A) Position statement on minimum facilities for safe administration of anaesthesia

PS55(A) Position statement on minimum facilities for safe administration of anaesthesia in operating suites and other anaesthetising locations

ANZCA pharmaceutical sponsorship

PG29(A) Guideline for the provision of anaesthesia care to children

PG29(A) Guideline for the provision of anaesthesia care to children

ANZCA's response letter to ABC's Four Corners episode “Pain Factory” 11-4-24

This letter to ABC management raises serious concerns about allegations of Medicare rorting by anaesthetists that aired on Monday 8 April in the ABC TV Four Corners episode “Pain Factory”.

PS55(A)BP Position statement on minimum facilities for safe administration of anaesthesia BP

PS55(A)BP Position statement on minimum facilities for safe administration of anaesthesia in operating suites and other anaesthetising locations Background Paper

FPM Letter Minister Butler re Medication Shortages 20240823

Letter to Minister Butler re Medication Shortages


PG65(G) Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer

PG65(G) Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer

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