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ANZCA NSW Regional Committee

The New South Wales Regional Committee is an elected body that act as a conduit between Fellows and trainees in the New South Wales region and the ANZCA Council to which they report.

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Workforce and capacity building in Asia-Pacific

The college works alongside colleagues in Papua New Guinea and other Pacific nations to help build and support their workforce capacity though educational and support initiatives as guided by colleagues in-country.

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ANZCA Handbook for Training Appendix 2 (clinical practice review questions)

ANZCA Trainee Committee

The ANZCA Trainee Committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee and hence to the ANZCA Council on issues related to trainees and is governed by Regulation 16.

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Tripartite Committee of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia

The TCRGA is a collaboration between ANZCA, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. It oversees development of the RGA training program.

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Environment and sustainability research grant

We're helping to support research exploring environmental impact of anaesthesia and related products and activities

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PS62 Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety 2024

To articulate ANZCA’s ongoing commitment to the role and importance of cultural competence and cultural safety, to promote cultural safety, to serve as a resource to assist doctors to behave in a culturally safe manner.

Reg 27 - Performance assessment of anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians

This regulation outlines ANZCA's process for nominating specialist anaesthetists or pain medicine physicians to assist external bodies with performance assessments when requested. It details the selection and duties of assessors, specifies the methods for conducting performanc...


Joint Consultative Committee on Anaesthesia

The JCCA comprises representatives appointed by the councils of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).

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