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FPM by-law 19 - Accreditation of units offering training in pain medicine

This by-law outlines the Faculty of Pain Medicine's accreditation standards for units offering pain medicine training, including requirements for multidisciplinary teams, compliance with ANZCA policies, and specific qualifications for supervisors.

ANZCA branded difficult airway alert

ANZCA-branded version of the hospital difficult airway alert PDF.

Hospital difficult airway alert (unbranded)

Unbranded version of the hospital difficult airway alert PDF

Difficult airway alert standard

This is the QLD government branded Difficult Airway Alert document

DHM Clinical placement review

This form should be used by trainees completing the Diploma of Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine and must be submitted to the college within 10 days of the review meeting.

Practice development stage review

Associate EMAC Instructor application form


Joint statement from medical colleges

SAAMC mortality reporting form (for surgeons and proceduralists)

SAAMC mortality reporting form (for surgeons and proceduralists)

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