SAAMC mortality reporting form (for surgeons and proceduralists)
SAAMC mortality reporting form (for surgeons and proceduralists)
FPM Practice Assessment Pathway Assessment checklist
Use this checklist for endorsement criteria to become endorsed in pain medicine procedures via the practice assessment pathway
DHM placement VOP logbook
DHM placement VOP logbook
EPA 2 Review - Provide obstetric analgesia
EPA 2 Review – Provide epidural analgesia for obstetric patients in labor.
CP23BP Policy for professional document framework background paper
Read in conjunction with CP23 Policy for professional document framework
Passy Muir Speaking Valve (PMSV) clinical recommendation
SCIDUA Tracheostomy Alert Information Sheet
ANZCA response to revised MCNZ medical certification guidelines
College feedback on the Medical Council of New Zealand consultation on revised guidelines on the issuing of medical certificates.